
We strongly believe that children belong in worship. Children are not just the future of the church, they are the NOW of the church.

Weekly we will provide "Treasure Boxes" for the children and have enough for visitors. These Treasure Boxes will have activites, colors, and small trinkets for children to look forward to receiving. Mother Mindy will give a brief children's message for any children attending.

We are building our children's ministry at St. Peter's. What we are good at is getting to know your children and valuing them. We will learn their names and they will make connections with people of all ages. We truly care about children and hopefully your children will be able to feel it (and you too!).

We do have a nursery area in the lower level for children if any familes need a retiring area. Because we want kids in worship, we do not currently have nursery attendants. However, if families express a need of nursery attendants, we will work on hiring qualified staff with clean background checks right away.