Our Ministries
The Daily Office is the backbone of the Episcopal Christian life. While not a sacrament, per se, the daily rhythm of confession, invocation, scripture, and prayer is inseparable from the weekly rhythm of Eucharistic worship. Morning prayer at 8am every week day.
The Prayer Net is an intercessory prayer group who pray to God on behalf of others. Anyone is welcome to join the Prayer Net.
Prayer Net Altar Guild Acolytes Flower Guild Lay Eucharistic Minstry Men’s Bible Study Choir Musicians Pastoral Care Homebound Visits Handbells Fellowship Breakfasts Evangelism AA Chamber Concert Series Stewardship Stations of the Cross Fellowship Outreach Inquirer’s Class Cookie Cupboard Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper Choral Scholarships
The promises we make in our Baptismal Covenant are reminders that we are not yet perfect, that we are called to move deeper in our faith and make a difference in our world. We do so together as the church, always professing that we will indeed live into our baptismal vows as followers of Christ, but always “with God’s help."
Community Service
St. Peter's is a part of a larger community and believes in supporting God's people: food pantry, Meals on Wheels, Christmas Neighbors, outreach with rental, gas, food assistance.